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Is This The End of Celebrity Fragrances Or Comeback?

“I’ve got nothing against people who do it, it’s just the only thing people do it is for money and I’d rather not give in to that. Also you don’t want to become addicted to money like that, for doing shitty things. I don’t think I would ever do those things.” British singer-songwriter Adele added, “I wouldn’t wear my own perfume. That’s not me being in touch with my fans. I’ll always wear the same perfume I’ve always worn since I was 15.”


Figures released by market research group National Purchase Diary (NPD) show sales of celebrity fragrances declined by £12m in the UK in 2016 - a drop of 22%. But just look at the sales of couture brands like Prada, Chanel and Dior, which collectively saw a 6% increase.


Stephen C. Mormoris, ex-Senior Vice president of Coty International in charge of global marketing, once expressed that celebrities are cultural icons. They are often beautiful, versatile and sexy-Consumers imagine that they can be like them after using these perfumes. As a result, these perfumes can create irresistible magic and a dreamy scene for consumers.


But now, it seems to be the time when the dream is shattered. Are these companies choosing the wrong celebrities or are celebrity perfumes really no longer a market trend?


Coty claims that the celebrities tracked on the company's roster only spend an average of about 100 hours ( 14 working days or so) developing their personal perfumes. And this kind of perfume is mainly for young consumers, and these people like new things& hate old things faster. Coty also stated in their annual report that there is no guarantee that the celebrities they choose will continue to remain fresh in the hearts of consumers.


"Washington Post" ever published a set of data, saying that the mass perfume market in the United States ( Including celebrity perfumes) has fallen by half since 2000 to $600 million. The high-end perfume market has risen by 16% since then.


No matter what you are doing is a celebrity perfume or niche brand, you are greatly welcome to discuss your perfume packaging with us freely. Klassy’s help will be the icing on the cake for you definitely.

 By: Sabrina

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